I'm passionate about innovation.
I'm a student exploring ML, software developing, tech, and entrepreneurship based in Cambridge.
AIAcademicsBackendComputational AnalyticsDiscussionGolangLearningMathematicsMicroservicesPedagogyQuantitative financeResearchSocial goodSoftware EngineeringStartupsStudent LeadershipTheoryVenture CapitalShow More
Computer Science Peer Concentration Advising
Advisor at Harvard
2024 - Present
Women in Computer Science
Academics Director at Harvard
2023 - Present
Data Analysis
Competitor at Citadel
Hackathon Directing
Finance Director at HackHarvard
Conference Organizing
Finance Director at Harvard WECode
Analyst + Associate at Harvard Undergraduate Consulting Group
Analyst at Harvard Undergraduate Biotechnology Club
2022 - 2023
Political Organizing
Member at Harvard Institute of Politics John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum
2022 - 2023

Computer Science
- Algorithms at Ends of the Wire (Compsci 2241)*
- Applied Privacy for Data Science (Compsci 2080)*
- Distributed Computing (Compsci 2620)*
- Formal Methods for Security (Compsci 2540)*
- Computational Properties in Interpretable Machine Learning (Compsci 2822R)
- Computational Complexity (Compsci 2210)
- Data Structures and Algorithms (Compsci 124)
- Systems Programming and Machine Organization (Compsci 61)
- Machine Learning (MIT 6.930)
- Theoretical Computer Science (Compsci 121)
- Computational Linguistics and Natural-language Processing (Compsci 187)
- Abstraction and Design in Computation (Compsci 51)
Math + Exploratory Math
- Complex Analysis (Math 113)*
- Classical Geometry (Math 130)*
- Algebra I: Theory of Groups and Vector Spaces (Math 122)
- Mathematics in the World (Math 157)
- Probability (Stat 110)
- Real Analysis (Math 112)
- Spaces, Mappings, and Mathematical Structures (Math 101)
- Logic and Philosophy (Phil 144)
- Game Theory with Applications to Social Behavior (Econ 1057)
- Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Math 21B)
- Integrated Science (Lifesci 50A + 50B)
- The Art the Con
- Health Through Literature and the Arts
- The First Nine Months
- Intermediate Microeconomics
- Ethics of Climate Change
* indicates currently taking